Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Interview #3

Interview for our website

Model's Name  Alyvia Denae

Model's Age 8 years old

What do you think it is about her...what makes her special in your opinion?  She is beautiful, smart, funny and a very caring little girl!

Bragging rights....- What do you think is her best quality?  Her soft heart and her beautiful eyes and smileSmile emoticon

What made you put her into modeling?  She asked me to start her in modeling, so I happily helped her get started.

What do you like about Sunshine Couture Models  We like that they give everyone a chance to model.

Is it ever hard to get the photos done of her?  No, not at all. She is very photogenic and loves to pose and take pictures.

Please feel free to add anything here :

Interview for the model herself:

Do you like modeling? YES!

What is your favorite thing about modeling?  "I get to dress up"

What is your favorite thing you have got for modeling?  A beautiful headband from Bless Your Southern Heart.

Have you ever done a pageant? If not do you want to?  No I haven't and "yes, I do want to"

What do you want to be when you grow up? A nurse, just like my mom"

Favorite Color? Blue

Who is your Idol?  My momSmile emoticon

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