Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Entering into the modeling world

Most everyone that has children think that their child is the cutest kid in the world.  It's human nature! Who wouldn't think their own flesh and blood is THE cutest thing ever made.  But many of those parents try to break their children into modeling.  There are several ways to do this.  Applying to agencies all over, pageants, online contests, photo contests, etc.  Some of them make it, some of them don't. Some routes can get extremely costly. Pageants alone can rack up the bills between pageant costumes and dresses! Not to mention pageant fees and transportation costs! Not that pageants are not fun, but they can put stress on younger kids.  A more successful and cheaper way to break into the modeling world is boutique modeling.  It is not as well known to the public but there is a high demand for boutique models!

Boutique Modeling in a nutshell

Social networks have helped boutique modeling explode. Think about it. Facebook is free advertising. And it is the best because EVERYONE is on facebook. So there are several modeling listing agencies on there, such as the one I own and run Sunshine Couture Models. We list several models of all ages shapes size and color. We create them a comp card. (A comp card is a photo edit that shows off a few of the models best photos, their name age and sizes.)  Then we advertise our models to boutiques. The boutiques then book the models to show off their goods. Long story short...if your model gets booked...they will become published on Facebook, Etsy, Ebay and the boutique's website if they have one! It is a great stepping stone to get your lil one's face out there! And very cheap!

The costs for boutique modeling:

Agency listing fees (very cheap with us anyway)
Photographer fees- if you do not do the photos yourself, which you can!
Accessory fees-getting anything extra to go with the models outfits

That is it!

So if you are thinking of breaking your child into the world of modeling...this is a great place to start!